Tuesday, March 24, 2015

PET scan results and progress

So I haven't been on here in a while. Mainly I've been anxious over the PET scan I had done last week. Most of you read the post of how they mixed up the days the scan was supposed to be done. I had my 7th round of chemo today and met with the doctor to discuss my results. The tumor in the colon is gone. The tumors in my lungs are shrinking, but some are still consolidated. There is no new growth. Overall, this is pretty good news! Right now I am on maintenance chemo, so the side effects should lessen. I'm really excited about that. The bad news, is there is a very good chance the cancer can come back. I'm trying my very best to be positive and stand strong in prayer. I want to thank EVERY ONE OF YOU who sent me texts, emails, fb posts, cards, and phone calls. Knowing that you care and standing strong besides me means the world to both John and I.

Love and prayers,

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Well, hello there

Wow...It's been a long time since I've posted on here. Right when I got chemo last, we had a blast of cold weather. I spent a lot of time cuddled up and sleeping. This week, I'm feeling a little better and the warmer weather helps! I want to thank everyone for their comments, thoughts and prayers. I ask that you keep my friend Sarah in your prayers as well as she starts treatment for breast cancer. I hope everyone is doing well and in good health!

Love and prayers,

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Quick Update

Nothing really new to report. I have chemo again this Tuesday. I hope it goes better than my last round. I had a cold, which grew worse after I received the chemo. Last week, I think I caught a virus making my week miserable. However, after some rest and recuperation, I'm on the mend. I definitely have more energy and hope the rest of my symptoms resolve soon. I hope everyone else is doing well and staying healthy!

Love and prayers,