Seriously, old man winter, feel free to ease up on the FREEZING. Today was my first day back to work. The roads were snowy (p.s. I just tried to write snowly), and slick due to the FREEZING COLD temperature outside. As most of you know, one of the main side effects from the chemo is an aversion to cold. My hands/feet/mouth/nose/anything exposed to the cold gets numb and tingly, and I cough. A lot. So that was less than desirable. However, I braved the cold temp, and I'm glad I did. It felt really good to be back, surrounded by familiar faces. It was a great reminder of how awesome the group I work with is! I really hope to be able to work my way back up into a normal routine. Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes, texts, and messages. It feels amazing to face the day, knowing that whatever may come, I have an incredible group of family and friends supporting me. :) Good luck to all who are stuck in this deep freeze! Try to stay warm!!!!
Love and prayers,
Soooo happy to have you back, tingly nose and toes included!!